Thorough Review of the Best GPS
- All About GPS - Shockwave-animation enhanced tutorial presented by Trimble Navigation.
- All About GPS: Sherlock Holmes' Guide to the Global Positioning System - book offers information on the operation, applications, philosophy, and future of the GPS.
- Amazon Top 5 GPS
- Amsterdam Real Time - Waag Society - a collection of maps created in real time by Amsterdam residents with GPS-equipped PDAs. The device transmits the subjective routes through the city taken by individual participants in this project. Their paths are traced and displayed as virtual line maps.
- Australian Global Positioning Systems Society - A free membership society to bring together the delegates, sponsors, and exhibitors for the Satellite Navigation Conference and to foster, develop, and assist the Global Positioning System disciplines.
- CBS News The Early Show (
- CES Innovations Awards (
- Cetus GPS - Navigation, tracking and field data collection software for PalmOS handhelds.
- Chartracer Software - Cartographic Software is for making moving maps on which GPS data from a serial port are plotted. Data are tracked remotely via CDPD modems and internet sites.
- CNET (
- David L. Wilson's GPS Accuracy Web Page - Global Positioning System Accuracy
- Eagle
- Emily Programme - A system study researching the coupling of terrestrial positioning and the satellite-based positioning.
- epinions (
- Galileo - European Space Agency project to launch a series of satellites in order to create a global navigation and positioning system for civil purposes.
- Garmin
- GENESIS - Suite of data services that brings together the new Earth science products to be produced by spaceborne Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. It serves mainly as a database for GPS occultation observations.
- Geocaching (
- GIS Services - Specializes in ArcView GIS training and provides commodities, services and training for implementing and integrating solutions with GIS, GPS, AVL, internet mapping and satellite imagery.
- Global Positioning System, The - outlines the system's development, capabilities, and applications.
- The Global Positioning System: The History of GPS - The history and story of how the Global Positioning System evolved from the development of the world's most accurate timepieces, atomic clocks, by physicists looking into the nature of time. Adapted from an article written by MIT scientist Daniel Kleppner.
- Global Positioning System: The Role of Atomic Clocks - learn how basic research into the nature of time and ways to measure time accurately contributed to development of GPS.
- Glossary of GPS Related Terms
- GPS ActiveX - Download information into a Visual Basic application or web page. Garmin, Magellan, Navman or any NMEA 0183 enabled GPS supported. UTM, SPCS, British National Grid, and most other national coordinate systems supported. [Windows and Pocket PC].
- GPS Applications Exchange - an online information source on the uses of GPS technology all over the world.
- GPS by Globespotter - GPS education, news, hardware, software, and links. Digital mapping.
- GPS Clocks for Computer Time Synchronization - Learn about how to use GPS for computer time synchronization. We offer a GPSClock (for computer use) that's accurate to a millionth of a second. Ideal for running a stratum one NTP server.
- GPS Control Base Station on Internet - GPS Base Stations located in New Zealand, Australia, and New Guinea. Download GPS data files for $40-$70 per day.
- GPS Deformation Monitoring - Objective is the development of a system for rapid and inexpensive monitoring of unstable slopes, such as pit walls, earth\rock slopes and dam walls using global satellite positioning technology.
- GPS Discounts for Educators - GPS special pricing for Trimble GeoExplorer 3 and ProXR/XRS educator kits. GPS education and training courses. Tutorials to learn about the GPS system. GPS consulting and course development.
- GPS Drawing [read review] - project featuring a gallery of large-scale drawings derived from Global Positioning System data.
- GPS GPS - buyer's guides, information, and hardware reviews of popular receivers.
- GPS Information ( Mehaffey, Yeazel and DePriest's site provides dozens of reviews and technical articles on GPS receivers and software, and a huge list of links.
- GPS Kwajalein - GPS Ground Station on Kwajalein Island, photographs of the island and site. Links to others GPS sites.
- GPS Overview
- GPS Passion (
- GPS Precise Orbits - Global Positioning System satellite ephemerides ("orbits") information for the general public, from US NOAA. GPS precise orbits are derived using 24 hour data segments from the global GPS network. An informational summary file is provided to document the computation and to convey relevant information about the observed satellites, such as maneuvers or maintenance. Orbits generally are available 2 to 6 days after the observation.
- GPS Site from Univ of Texas - Global positioning system overview and bibliography.
- GPS Status Information from US Naval Observatory - Via ftp.
- GPS Time Series - measurements made with the Global Positioning System are sensitive enough to detect motion of the Earth's tectonic plates.
- GPS TrackMaker - offers program to connect handheld GPS to PC. Allows the creation and edition of waypoints, tracklogs, routes, and allows to insert scanned images of map.
- The GPS Waypoint Base - Non-commercial project allowing the collection or submission of GPS waypoints.
- GPS World—Apply for a free subscription to GPS World.
- Handheld Computing Magazine (
- Hertz NeverLost
- Hyperbolic Positioning Algorithm - An algorithm for obtaining an exact solution for the three dimensional location of a mobile given the locations of four fixed stations (like a GPS satellite or a base station in a cell) and the signal time of arrival (TOA) from the mobile to each station. From Ralph Bucher.
- Internet-based Global Differential GPS - C-language software package for GPS-based real-time positioning and orbit determination. Includes system overview, technical papers, and a live demo .
- Introduction to GPS Applications
- Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information Website - information, software, and hardware reviews of name brand receivers.
- Lowrance
- Magellan
- Microsoft Streets & Trips 2005
- The National GPS Network - Resource from the UK Government intended for GPS-equipped surveyors, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) developers who work with Ordnance Survey (OS) mapping. Includes the Passive Station Database, Active Station RINEX Data, and Coordinate Converter services.
- NAVSTAR GPS Joint Program Office - provides military operators, integrators, and acquisition agencies information and a forum to plan their tasks, shape their missions, and use GPS to the advantage of the U.S. and its Allies.
- Outdoor Gear Reviews - GPS receiver comparisons.
- Palm III
- Palm OS
- Palm OS 5.2.1
- Palm V
- PC Magazine
- Pocket GPS World (
- Pocket PC
- Pocket PC Magazine (
- RLA GeoSystems - Source for GPS information and training. Trimble ProXRS and GeoExplorer3 receivers, top 10 websites, GPS for educators and free help.
- Satellite Navigation and Positioning Group (SNAP) - SNAP is Australia's largest academic GPS research group specialising in high precision GPS technology and applications.
- Septentrio Satellite Navigation - Dual frequency GPS & GLONASS, as well as EGNOS, WAAS and MSAT based on an in-house single baseband processor.
- StreetFinder GPS from Rand McNally
- TomTom
- Travel by GPS - Downloadable free GPS maps for travel adventures, self-guided tours, and outdoor activities. Map data includes waypoints and routes for use with handheld GPS and car navigation systems.
- Trimble's Web site
- USCG Navigation Center - GPS, DGPS, LORAN-C, OMEGA, navigation systems, GPS navigation, DGPS navigation.
- USDA Forest Service Global Positioning System (GPS) Page - forestry related GPS mapping and GIS applications with emphasis on receiver operation under forest canopy and in backcountry/wildland environments for land management.
- Vindigo
- - Database of geographical waypoint information and utilities for GPS/GIS users.
- Wing Way Systems - Navigation-Wonder, a shareware GPS mapping navigation software including voice response system [Windows].
- You Are Here - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer looks at how this network of satellites is changing how we get from point A to point B. From 1998.
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