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Drought Tolerant Plants
Digitized images and text from early issues of The Botanical Magazine and Curtis' Botanical Magazine provided by the National Agriculture Library. This site can be useful for those interested in botanical illustration.
Provides access to the table of contents, sample chapters and indices of the published volumes of Flora of North America online. Links to volumes 1-4, 22, 23 and 26 are currently available.
Enter the common or scientific name of a plant in the search box and numerous images are retrieved. Images may include digitized prints, personal photographs or drawings; the host link may provide useful information.
An index for botanical resources found on the Web.
Database includes images of vascular plants. Most plants are native to Texas and Oklahoma; however, many of these plants may be found in Colorado as well.
Alphabetical listing by Latin name of several plants. Click on the plant name to access an audio pronunciation of the name and to obtain general information about the plant. Browsing by common name is available at
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